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Nightlife: Service

Our Weekly Gathering

School is hectic. That's why we believe it's important to intentionally meet once a week as a group, to fellowship, to worship God, and to learn from our speakers and each other. Our goal is for Nightlife to be the starting point for friendships, small groups, and other forms of involvement in our community.


We meet every Tuesday from 7:30-9:00pm in Benson Parlors B&C.

Nightlife is the weekly gathering of Core where students meet to pursue Jesus together! Nightlife involves lots of activities including fun community games, musical worship, bible-based teaching, student sharing, prayer, small group discussions and more! Nightlife connects students with each other in a loving and welcoming environment, encourages authenticity, and challenges us to live unashamed of the truth of the Gospel (Romans 1:16).


For more information contact Haley at

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